Sometimes you can use every adwords keyword tool and still have a campaign that’s really struggling. This is the part I really love. I find such satisfaction in finding new ways to help struggling accounts. It’s fun to check back in the next day after I do my work and see the account is doing great!!
One adwords tip is to think outside the box when doing your keyword search and needing keyword help. This is the fun part that I really enjoy!! Often I’ll really delve into the client’s website and get to know everything I can about their products and/or services. Read everything you can and come up with your own list of keywords, using the same nouns and adjectives they use. You can also look at competitor’s sites and read their descriptions, writing down all nouns and adjectives that describe products and services that you offer. Remember, Google does not like when you don’t play nice and misrepresent yourself, so only use words that truly represent your site. Then once you have your entire list, go through and make every combination of such words that make sense that you possibly can. For example, I had a client who was selling dog collars. Well, I reviewed all of their products and came up with many different ways to describe those dog collars, such as red dog collar, red dog collars, dog collar with studs, dog collar with stud, dog collars with stud, dog collars with studs, large breed dog collar, large breed dog collars, small breed dog collar, small breed dog collars, black dog collar, black dog collars, black large breed dog collar, black large breed dog collars, red small breed dog collar, and red small breed dog collars. The list could go on and on. Especially once your campaign starts and you see which adwords keywords are successful, go in and apply this technique to your most successful words. Come up with as many combinations of those keywords that you possibly can. I have seen this keyword suggestion help take poorly producing keyword adgroups to highly successful keyword adgroups literally overnight!!! I’m not sure why this form of keyword optimization is not a google adwords keyword tool, but I can promise you it will bring you more clicks and in turn, more traffic on your site! I think one of the reasons this google adwords tip works so well is because it truly brings in some very unique keywords that have little advertising competition. It is time consuming, but it will pay off very quickly.
Of course we all know about the keyword matching where you add quotes and brackets to successful producing keywords. For the few days Google added this to our campaigns, life was sweet. Having to manually add this yourself is such a laboring process, but it’s truly worth it. I’m hoping Google adwords will be kind and give us back this automatic keyword matching one day, but until then we’ll spend the time adding our quotes and brackets to our keywords because it definitely does help with keyword optimization and top keywords.
Furthermore, if you have a really struggling account and/or one that has high profit return, it will be worth your while to check in with that account and come up with new keywords on a daily basis. We have some of these higher maintenance accounts and what I like to do is check in at the beginning of the business day and see if all adgroups met their budgets for the previous day. Then I’ll go into my struggling groups and apply the above strategies. I have seen websites who’ve had as little as 4 conversions in one month go to 14 conversions in one day with the help of our services and truly optimizing keywords on a daily basis. It’s always worth your time and effort, though, because the sooner you can get your accounts to be successful the quicker your company starts optimizing their web based marketing and gives you high yield returns!
Don’t be intimidated by Google adwords. They really are a great way to maximize your earning potential and when you learn the tricks of the trade, they can absolutely be your best friend when it comes to bringing in the bucks! Of course the game is constantly changing as Google likes to keep us on our feet, but that’s what I love about it. I’m always up for a challenge!