In Google Ads, a conversion and a micro-conversion are two essential metrics used to track and measure the success of advertising campaigns. They represent different user engagement levels and potential customers’ actions on your website.

  1. Conversion:

A conversion is the primary and most significant action you want users to take on your website, such as completing a purchase, filling out a lead form, signing up for a newsletter, or any other action representing your business’s most valuable goal. It is the ultimate objective of your advertising efforts. Conversions are typically associated with revenue generation or lead acquisition.

For example, if you are running an e-commerce website, a conversion occurs when a visitor purchases. Similarly, for a service-based business, a conversion could be when a user fills out a contact form to request more information.

  1. Micro-conversion:

Conversely, a micro-conversion is a minor and less significant action that users take on your website, leading them closer to the ultimate conversion goal. Microconversions serve as valuable intermediate steps in the customer journey and can provide insights into user engagement and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. While micro-conversions are not the primary goal of your campaign, they contribute to the overall success of your marketing efforts by indicating user interest and intent.

Examples of micro-conversions include:

– Adding items to a shopping cart (for an e-commerce site).

– Clicking on a product/service spec sheet to view more details.

– Subscribing to your newsletter.

– Watching a product demo video.

Microconversions help you understand user behavior and identify potential areas for improvement in your marketing funnel. They also allow you to re-engage users who have shown interest but haven’t completed the final conversion (remarketing).

Both conversions and micro-conversions are essential metrics to track in Google Ads because they provide valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns. Using both types of conversions, you can optimize your advertising strategies and improve overall campaign effectiveness.